Search for overseas business opportunities and compete for orders globally!
The third phase of the 136th Canton Fair, a 5-day exhibition, came to an end on November 4, 2024 at the China Import and Export Commodity Fair.
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As the "first exhibition in China" and the "barometer" and "wind vane" of China's foreign trade, the Canton Fair provides opportunities for enterprises to grasp industry development trends and explore cooperation opportunities. It is not only a microcosm of China's high-quality economic development, but also a reflection of China's economic resilience and vitality.
Since its launch, the number of overseas buyers has reached a new high, breaking through the 250000 mark for the first time, and the export intention transaction volume has reached 24.95 billion US dollars!
Through this exhibition, Jialian Biotechnology has established closer connections with customers around the world. Purchasers from all over the world (55% from Africa, 15% from the Middle East, 10% from Southeast Asia, and 20% from other regions) visited the booth and were highly recognized and appreciated by domestic and foreign customers for their excellent product strength.
According to information shared by colleagues from Jialian International Business Unit on site, "Overseas buyers pay special attention to products related to whitening, brightening, slimming, and promoting ovulation." Especially the prickly pear whitening drink with Guizhou characteristics, which is highly favored by friends on site, is the top consulting product for all products at the booth.
Buyers from different regions have different demand points for products, and compared to buyers from other regions in Africa, their demand points for oral whitening are more inclined towards the bright white attribute.
At the exhibition site, Jialian launched numerous high-quality products such as Rosa roxburghii, Longbo, Jiling composite freeze-dried powder, Youhuoliyuan, Milala, probiotics, etc., covering various formulations of powder tablets and liquids.
Jialian Biotechnology's flexible and diverse product line fully meets the needs of different levels, from OEM high-end customization of different doses and dosage forms, to ODM economical selection that emphasizes cost-effectiveness, suitable solutions can be found, and it has received unanimous praise from overseas merchants from all over the world.
Based on market insights at the exhibition and feedback from buyers in different regions, Jialian Biotechnology will further adjust its product development direction to provide innovative products that better meet the needs of customers in different markets, deepening Jialian's adaptability and competitiveness in the global market.
The successful participation in the Canton Fair has accelerated the internationalization of Jialian Biotechnology. At this exhibition, Jialian has reached multiple cooperation intentions with many domestic and foreign customers. In the future, Jialian will also deepen its overseas market layout and empower the overseas health industry.
With te conclusion of this year's Canton Fair, Jialian Biotechnology has gained many valuable experiences and inspirations. Jialian Biotechnology will continue to expand into the Southeast Asian and overseas big health markets, explore new trends and opportunities in the global market, and contribute Jialian's strength to the globalization of the big health market!
Here, we sincerely invite you to join us and welcome you to visit Jialian Biotechnology for on-site inspection to gain a deeper understanding of our products and services. You are also welcome to contact us at any time to request free samples and open a new chapter of cooperation together!
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